My specialties include design and implementation of Public & Private Cloud corporate strategies,
Corporate ALM & S-SDLC, performance and security reviews of distributed environments.
Reverse engineering is my way of learning which sometimes includes breaking stuff.
I have two children, enjoy reading books and riding bycicle offroad.
Thorsten Prumbs
Madrid (Spain)
t h o r s t e n @ p r u m b s . d e
Diplom-Informatiker (FH)• March 2000
University of Applied Sciences in Dresden, studies of Mediainformatics
Mathematic-technical Assistent• Summer 1996
Apprenticeship as mathematic-technical Assistent (main focus on theory of business management) at the Technical Vocational School Europaschule Schulzentrum Utbremen
Enterprise Architect• November 2002 - Present
Working as Consultant, System & Software Architect and Instructor for multiple clients in several projects.
Consultant, System and Software Architect, Instructor• November 2002 - Present
Agbar, AliMarket, AON, Aserco, Banco de España, BBVA, BMW, BNP, Buongiorno, CAF, CajaSol, CECA, Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros, Correos, DGT, El Corte Inglés, EneMalta, Equipos Nucleares, FNMT-CERES, Grupo Banco Popular, helpPrintSolutions, Helvetia, Iberdrola, IBM, Inditex, ING Direct, ISBAN, JCCM, Liberty Seguros, Línea Directa Aseguradora, Línea Directa Asistencia, L'Oréal, Lumata, Mapfre, Ministerio de Justicia, Morse, Mutua General de Seguros, Mutua Madrileña, RACE, Redsýs, RTVE, Supermercados DIA, Verti Seguros, Viajes El Corte Inglés
Main distinctive skills include my horizontal view of people, things and proceses togehter with the ability of changing my working and tecnical context seamlessly, gaining vision based on experience.
Practical experience in areas of software development, quality asurance and system administration obtained in the bank, insurance and trade sector gives me a deep insight on real life technical practice - good and bad.